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Materials from Workshop on PRODUCTION of Composite structures


Tailoring of conventional and nonconventional laminates including aeroelastic effects

Smart structures – health monitoring and self-sensing capabilities of composites

AI Development and Applications for Manufacturing


R. De Breuker, PhD; R. Groves, PhD; Nathan Eskue, Associate Professor (TU Delft)

For whom: engineers, scientists, researchers, PhD students interested in the production of multifunctional composites

Course 1: Tailoring of conventional and nonconventional laminates including aeroelastic effects

Lecture: Tailoring of conventional and nonconventional laminates including aeroelastic effects

R. De Breuker, PhD (eng.), DELFT, Aerospace Structures & Materials Department

Presentation slides

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Video record course 1

Course 2: Smart structures – health monitoring and self-sensing capabilities of composites

Lecture:    Smart structures – health monitoring and self-sensing capabilities of composites 

Dr Roger Groves

Associate Professor - Aerospace NDT/SHM Aerospace Structures & Materials Department

Presentation slides

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Course 3: AI Development and Applications for Manufacturing

Lecture:    High Level Introduction to AI

Nathan Eskue, Associate Professor, AI in Manufacturing Aerospace Faculty, TU Delft

Presentation slides

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Lecture:    Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning

Nathan Eskue, Associate Professor, AI in Manufacturing Aerospace Faculty, TU Delft

Presentation slides

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Video record course 3

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